On Holidays in Bavaria, Germany – About Hidden Places, Cow Elsa and Bursted Dreams

Königssee, Bavaria, Germany

Königssee, Bavaria, Germany

11 km – with Prasana.
↑ 542m
↓ 542m

Holiday time. Stop 1: Berchtesgaden in Bavaria, Germany. Never heard of it? That’s where Hitler had his Eagle’s Nest. Nearby is the Königssee (King’s Lake), surrounded by high mountains and pine trees. I’ve been there about 10 years ago and I couldn’t forget this beautiful hidden place at the end of Königssee. I always wanted to go back anyway and now I wanted to take Prasana there. So when it was about deciding our summer holidays this year I got out the most beautiful shots that I took of the lake 10 years ago, held them under Prasana’s nose and asked: “Isn’t that beautiful, honey?” Him being a nature enthusiast and mountain lover, said: “It’s gorgeous! Where is this place? We need to go there!”. Alright. Agreed. (That was easy.) :-).

Obersee, Bavaria, Germany

Obersee, Bavaria, Germany

We took the boat from the tip of Königssee to Salet, passing the church of St. Bartholomäus where all the tourist got out and only a small crowd went further to Salet. When we arrived, we walked through a small stretch of wood and got to another small lake, called Obersee (Upper Lake), which is completely encircled by mountains. At the far end we could see an Alm (a farm house keeping cows at the slope of a mountain). They usually offer fresh dairy products like milk, buttermilk, yoghurt and cheese as well as fresh bread. We walked around Obersee and arrived at the Alm just in time for our milk break. Buttermilk freshly drawn from cow Elsa. After finishing our Mass, we went on to see German’s highest waterfall.

Obersee, Bavaria, Germany

Obersee, Bavaria, Germany

I must say, I was so excited to come here and take all these amazing pictures that I could show off to my friends. Green mountains, turquoise water, snow covered mountain tops, incredible perspectives. Forget it. It was raining the entire time. Clouds were hanging in the mountains, covering the peaks in mystical grey. You had the feeling you got transferred into one of the Lord of the Rings scenes. I know Königssee and Obersee in sunshine and it’s a beautiful view, but today it was a different kind of beauty. We could enjoy it as long as we stayed dry. But after 4 hours of walking in the rain and drenched everywhere where our cloths allowed the rain coming through, I was glad when we got back to our hotel and I could take the best and longest shower of my life.

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4 Responses to On Holidays in Bavaria, Germany – About Hidden Places, Cow Elsa and Bursted Dreams

  1. Steffi says:

    Hi leah,
    It is beautiful indeed. Thanks for stopping by. 🙂


  2. twothirdswild says:

    Beautiful scenery! You are lucky indeed to visit such places 🙂 Leah


  3. Steffi says:

    The smell of the roads and meadows are also nice after rain. 🙂


  4. I am rather adverse to rain but it does clear the air and colours are so much richer for the precipitation.

    Liked by 1 person

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